[72], 708, [40], 33, [1], [35] pp. a2, b-i4, k2, A-3N6, 3O-3Q4, 3R-3T2, 3U4, 3X-4E2, 4F2 (-4F2), *-9*2. Text in 2 columns, parallel Greek & Latin. Woodcut initials. Folding copper-engraved map. (Folio) 32x19.5 cm (12½x7½"), period calf.
Large and fairly scarce edition of Herodotus' famed history, providing the foundation for our understanding of the ancient world, in the original Greek with the Latin translation in parallel columns. The engraved map stretches from the Adriatic to Persia, with North Africa, the Middle East, etc. Ownership signature (indicipherable) dated 1701 to title page, with notes in what appears to be the same hand, in Greek and Latin, covering the front free endpaper. Wing H1584.
The full title reads: Herodoti halicarnassei historiarum libri IX novem Musarum nominibus inscripti. Ejusdem narratio de vita Homeri. Excerpta e ctesiae libris de rebus Persicis & Indicis. GraeceÌ & Latineì. Et H. Stephani Apologia pro Herodoto. Accesserunt huic editioni chronologia Historiae, & tabula geographiae Herodoteae; necnon variantes lectiones, & notae ex pluribus Mss. codd. & antiquis scriptoribus collectae; una cum indice Graeco & Latino