Approx. 65 original photographs, comprising 28 cabinet cards, 29 cartes-de-visite, and 8 tintypes of cdv-size or smaller; in window mats in a velvet covered album measuring 25.5x21 cm (10x8¼").
Album centered on the Hoskins family of Ohio, members of which were, according to notations in the album, friends of James A. Garfield, with a cabinet card of the president leading off the portraits. The album is greatly enriched by the sometimes extensive notes on the family members which are on the mats, apparently done in the 20th century, identifying the subjects, with family connections, etc. Thus we find "Grandma Nancy A. raised a large family after her husband William L. a leather mfr. lost his life at his plant at Pierpont..."; "Uncle Oliver Trimmer, Bro. of Nancy A. Doctor & Mayor, only doctor of the '49ners, went to California in Gold Rush, graduate of Yale Univ."; "This is Grandma Catherine Trimmer, mother of Nancy A. (Trimmer) and Oliver Trimmer... Member of first pioneer familys to enter the Western Reserve from Revolutionary War grants from Connecticut..."; "Grandma Nancy A. Hoskins, mother of Ray T. Hoskins, U.S. Postmistress, first woman to hold this position, appointed by friend President Garfield"; "Bert Hoskins, eldest of Hoskins boys... county treasurer, U.S. National Republican Committeeman, Wm. S. McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt..." And many more, though not all are identified.