Lithographed map on thin paper, hand-colored in outline, on two sheets. Each sheet approx. 57x87 cm (22½x34¼").
Superbly lithographed map of the San Francisco Bay Area, the lithography by Julius Bien. Warren Heckrotte comments that "The map extends north to south from Gilroy to a little north of Napa and west to east from a little west of Bolinas to Mt. Hamilton. Land grant Ranchos are shown. This is a beautiful map. This was first published in 1867; revised in 1868." This example without folds.
Full title: State Geological Survey of California J.D. Whitney, State Geologist. Map of the Region Adjacent to the Bay of San Francisco. Scale 2 Mile to one Inch. Statute Miles [linear scale] 1873. The Coast, Rancho, Township and Section Lines from Materials furnished by the U.S. Coast Survey and the U.S. Surveyor General's Office, the Topography chiefly from Original Surveys by C.F. Hoffmann. The soundings are expressed in feet to 18 feet, beyond it, in fathoms; the Sounding in fathoms being enclosed in circles, thus: 7 1/4 [in circle] and the figures show the depth of the mean of the lowest low water of each 24 hours below the plane of reference. Julius Bien, lith.
Provenance: UCB duplicate sale, 1/95
References: Goetzman, Exploration and Empire, discusses the California Geological Survey and also Hoffmann. This map is reproduced, p 364. Brewster, J.D. Whitney , pp 263, 399. Vogdes.