Parts 1-5 (of 8) only. [32]. 116, [8], 226, [12], 116, [12], 116, [12], 120 pp. With 9 engraved maps, 3 of them folding including the Kino map, "Tabula Californiae Anno 1702 Ex autoptica observatione delineata ‡ R. P. Chino S.I. (cartouche:) Via terrestris in Californiam comperta et detecta Per R. Patram Eusebium Fran. Chino S.I. Germanum Adnotatis novis Missionibus ejusdem Soctis ab Anno 1698 ad annum 1701" (34x22.5 cm); engraved allegorical frontispiece; plate showing a compass rose. (folio) 32.2x19.5 cm (12¾x7¾"), full calf, spine tooled in gilt, raised bands, morocco lettering piece.
Important German compilation of missionary expeditions and explorations, perhaps most valuable for the presence of the Kino map of California, demonstrating that California was firmly attached to the mainland, but significant for other features as well. Perhaps most notable of these is the map of the Amazon River basin by Fritz, plus several of the islands of the Pacific, the Middle East, West Africa, a plan of Nagasaki. About the Kino and Fritz maps, Warren Heckrotte comments: "The Kino map, Part 3, p 72, is regarded as the printed version of a Kino map drafted in 1702 (as opposed to 1701 for the map which appeared in 1705); the draft is lost. This map has had the tip of Baja added to Kino's draft, which is noted on the map. The Fritz map of the Amazon, part 5, p 110, is an important map of the Amazon. La Condamine in his map of the Amazon reproduced the course of Fritz's Amazon by dotted lines." He makes the further comment that "As noted this is only the first five parts (all eight would make it a very thick book; perhaps the last three were in a separate volume). Whether it has a complete complement of maps and plates I do not know." The total set numbered 38 parts in five volumes. Sold thus, as is.
Further Notes from the Files of Warren Heckrotte
Full title: Allerhand So Lehr=als Geist=reiche Brief / Schrifften und Ries=Beschreibungen / Welche von denen Missionariis der Gesellschafft Jesu Aus Benden Indien / und andern †ber Meer gelegenen Laendern Seit An. 1642 Bisz auf das Jahr 1726. in Europa angelangt seynd. Jetzt zum erstenmal Theils aus Handschrifftlichen Urkunden / theils aus denen Franzosischen Lettres Edifiantes verteutscht und zusammen getragen Von Joseph Stôcklein / gedachter Soceitaet Jesu Priester. Erster Bund oder die 8 Erste Theil Cum Privilegio Caesareo & Superiorum Facultate ac Indice locupletissimo. Augspurg und Graetz / In Verlag Philips Martins / und Joh. Beith seel. Erben / Buchhaendlern / 1726
Provenance: Swann, 10/25/01
Detailed delineation of the contents: Folio, 13 8 1/4 inches, first five parts only of eight. Each part has its own title page. Introduction: pp (20), frontispiece; Part 1, 1642 to 1687: (12), 116, plate; Part 2, 1688 to 1700: pp (8), 116, map; Part 3, 1700 to 1702: (12), 116, 3 maps; Part 4, 1702 to 1704: (10), 116, 2 maps; Part 5, 1704 to 1711: (12), 120, one illustration in text, p 10, 3 maps. Full old calf. Maps: Part 2, p 8: Insulae Paloas Seu Novai Phillipinae alias Archipelagus S. Lazare vie Carolinae[region east of Phillipines and north of New Guinae]. Part 3, p 64: Iter R. Partis Mauduit Galle Ž S.I. ab Cra Coromondelo per Regnum Carnate a 3 Sept. 1701[part of east coast of India north of Madras]; p 72: (in top margin:)Tabula Californiae Anno 1702 Ex autoptica observatione delineata ‡ R. P. Chino S.I. (cartouche:) Via terrestris in Californiam comperta et detecta Per R. Patram Eusebium Fran. Chino S.I. Germanum Adnotatis novis Missionibus ejusdem Soctis ab Anno 1698 ad annum 1701.14 1/4 x 9 1/4 (plate size); p 82: Iter Cl. Veri Caroli Iacobe Poncet, Medici Galli per AEgyptum, Nubiam, Abyssinum et Arabiam. 1700. Part 4, p 5: Insulae Mariancae A. 1684 [islands in the South Pacific]; p 58: Charta Geograpnhica ad Itenerariam Francizi Caspari Schellenge [near east, Asia Minor to Persia]. Part 5, p 22:Nagasaki, so die Sineser Twchangki nennem. P 62: Mission Bey der Moschen durch die Peru Gestifft. p 110: Strom Maragnon Auctore R. P. Samuele Fritz Ž S. Iesu Prov. Bohem. 1707 Delineatus [the Amazon], 8 3/8 x 13 1/4 inches.
References: Howes, S 1022; there is a total of five volumes. Burrus, Kino and the Cartography of New Spain, provides a detailed description of the Kino map. Bolton, Rim of Christendom, p 609, re Kino map. Re Fritz map: La Condamine, A Succinct Abridgment of a Voyage made with the inland parts of South-America, pp 7-8 and map. Journal of the Travels and Labours Father Samuel Fritz--- Hakluyt Soc, 1922. This reproduces the original map engraved in Quito. Ferrand De Almeida, "Samuel Fritz and the Mapping of the Amazon," in Imago Mundi, vol 55, 2003, pp 113-119, with reproductions.