[16], 347, [1], 39 pp. 19.5x12 cm (7¾x4½"), old calf, rebacked with more recent calf, new endpapers. First Edition.
Account of Anson's epic voyage in quest of Spanish treasure by a participant. Hill notes that "Pascoe Thomas kept a full and faithful daily journal of the incidents of this important four-year voyage. Included are a very interesting list of subscribers names and an appendix giving an account of the treasure taken from the Nuestra Signora del Buono Carmella. This account of the voyage preceded the publication of the official account of Lord Anson's voyage by three years." Warren Heckrotte adds significant comment on the appendix at the end, "pp 25-36 of the Appendix gives 'A Copy of a Spanish Manuscript, of the Latitudes and Longitudes of all the most noted Places in the South-Seas--- by Manuel Monz Pricto, Professor Arts in Peru.' This concludes with positions on the California coast with many familiar places. The list ends with 'The Point of Suesta del Estrech Danian. Lat 51 00 Lon 141 47.' This appears to be the Strait of Anian and the positions are obviously in error, but it seems possible that it refers to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Wagner makes no reference to this list. The list does not appear in Walters, Voyage of Anson. The text has details not in Walter's account of this voyage; and likewise, Walter's has some not in this account. The list of subscribers in this book does not have as many nor as distinguished as those in Walter's book."
Further Notes from the Files of Warren Heckrotte
Full title: A True and Impartial Journal of a Voyage to the South-Seas and Round the World In His Majesty's Ship the Centurion, Under the command of Commodore George Anson Wherein All the material Incidents duing the said Voyage --- are fully and faithfully related, ---. To which is added, A large and general Table of Longitudes and Latitudes; --- Also the Variations of the Compass --- and the Soundings and Depths of Water ---: And lastly, several curious Observations on a Comet seen in the South-Seas on the Coast of Mexico. By Pascoe Thomas, Teacher of the Mathematics on board the Centurion. London, --- MDCCXLV
Provenance: PBA, 6/11/98
References: Hill, p 291.Sabin 95437. Spence 1195.
Some rubbing to covers, spine faded; there are a large number of small ink stamps of the Malvern Public Library spread through the book, largely in the margins, but where they overlap the text they do not obscure the text; the final leaf of the appendix is laid down on backing, affecting no printed text but obscuring some old in writing; overall very good.