2 parts in 1. [2], 110, [2], [111]-220 pp. With 19 plates, including 5 folding copper-engraved charts & 15 engraved or aquatint views, 4 of them folding and 4 hand-colored. (8vo) 21.5x13 cm (8½x5"), modern half calf & marbled boards, spine ruled & lettered in gilt.
Abridged version of the English edition of Kotzebue's Voyage, published the same year, and this issue is notable for containing additional plates. This was the second Russian expedition into the Pacific for scientific exploration, sponsored by Count Romanzof, commanded by Kotzebue (who had sailed with Kruzenshtern in 1803-6), and including the famous artist Ludwig Choris. After rounding Cape Horn and visiting Chile, Easter Island and the Marshall Islands, Kotzebue explored the North American coast and Hawaii and searched unsuccessfully for a passage to the Arctic Ocean. Hill remarks that "the description of the northwest coast of America is a most important contribution". Graff calls the expedition "one of the great early nineteenth-century voyages of discovery." The Zamorano Eighty notes that "Kotzebue was in San Francisco about the month of October, 1816. He, like La Pérouse, was critical of the condition of the mission Indian. He mentioned the Russian sailors who were taken prisoners for landing on the coast without permission." The first English edition contained 16 maps and plates, and the first issue of the present edition 12. As Forbes notes, "The second state or issue has an increased number of plates..., and those relating to Hawaii are six in number. This later issue is preferable as it contains plates adapted from those in Choris, Voyage Pittoresque (Paris, 1822), then in the process of publication, that do not appear in any other edition of the Kotzebue narrative..." Forbes 529; Hill 945; Howes K258; Sabin 38292.
Further Notes from the Files of Warren Heckrotte
Provenance: PBA, 5/29/08, J. Steinbrugge sale
2nd issue which has 15 plates as opposed to 8 plates in the 1st issue. Some of these plates derive from Choris.
p60 - Glaciers of Kotzebue Sound
p62 - Inhabitants of Kotzebue Sound (in color)
p76 - Tcholovonis Savages of the Bay of San Francisco
p77 - Califonian Games (folded)
p79 - Dance of the Californians (folded)
p84 - Tammeamea King of the Sandwich Islands (color)
p87 - Kakumanna Queen of the Sandwich Islands
p88 - Interior of the residence of the Prince of the Sandwich Islands
p90 - View of the Royal Murai in the Bay Ti-utatua on the Island of Owhyee
p100 - Dance of the Males in the Sandwich Islands (folded)
p100 - Dance of the Females in the Sandwich Islands (folded)
p125 - Rarick (color)
p134 - Interior of a House on the Island of Radack
p158 - Cadu (color)
p164 - View of the Island Bireck belonging to the Group Cawen in Radack
p22 - Plan of the Group of Islands Rumanzoff --- 9º26'47" N. Lat. 189º 57'13" Long W.
p26 - Chart of the 14th degree of S. Lat to the 16th and from 137th to the 149th W. Long. ---with the route of the Rurick
p37 - Chart of Behring's Strait
p146 - Chart of the Chain of Islands Radack and Ralich