Engraved map on 4 sheets, uncolored.
Sheet 1: The north central portion, from the juncture of the Missouri and the Mississippi north, and including 4½ of the Great Lakes (only half of Lake Ontario). This sheet bears the title. 47.5x55.5 cm (18¾x21¾").
Sheet 2: New England and New York north to Newfoundland. 47.5x57.5 cm (18¾x22½")
Sheet 3: from the east coast south of Delaware to across the Mississippi . 39x64 cm (15¼x25")/
Sheet 4: The course of the St. Lawrence River from Ile aux Coudres to Lake Ontario. 46.5x55.7 cm (18¼x22").
Well-engraved map with much detail, based on John Mitchell's map published earlier the same year, but with some notable differences, including the omission of legends, of references to English factories in the disputed trans-Allegheny region, and inclusion of the large St. Lawrence River inset.
Further Notes from the Files of Warren Heckrotte
Full title: Canada Louisiane et Terres Angloises Par Le Sr. D'Anville de l'Academie Rle. des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettes, et de celle des Sçiences de Petersbourg, Sécretaire de S.A.S. Mgr. Le Duc D'Orleans Novembre MDCCLV Sous le Privelege de l'Academie, Chez l'Auteur, aux Galeries du Louvre | G. De-la-Haye | Echelle (six linear scales). Title on sheet four: Le Fleuve Saint-Laurent Représenté plus en détail que dans l'éntendue de la Carte Echelle en quadruplant a la Carte (linear scale).
Watermark: Heawood 1234 except dovecote lacks dove on top of cote.
Scale abour one inch equals 45 miles.
Provenance: Parke-Bernet, 10/7/68
References: Cummings 296. WL 408.